Remember how people always say that women have a higher pain threshold? And specifically, how women are 'better' at being sick, and that men instantly regress to toddlerhood as soon as a bacteria finds them?
I beg to differ.
Point in case: last night, aprox. 1 am.
I wake up, and I am instantly under the impression that I have accidentally stumbled into the terminal ward of the oncology department in my local hospital. Coughing and wheezing abounds, and next to my lies a stack of not two but three duvets, covering someone who is shivering like a wet cat in a wind tunnel. Moaning. Whimpering. Whispering 'I'm going to die' with every exhalation, like the mantra of a suicidal with second thoughts.
But hey, I love the girl to death, so what's a sleep deprived guy to do but roll over, wrap an arm around her and try toforcefeed her 1000 mg of aspirin warm her up a little.
I beg to differ.
Point in case: last night, aprox. 1 am.
I wake up, and I am instantly under the impression that I have accidentally stumbled into the terminal ward of the oncology department in my local hospital. Coughing and wheezing abounds, and next to my lies a stack of not two but three duvets, covering someone who is shivering like a wet cat in a wind tunnel. Moaning. Whimpering. Whispering 'I'm going to die' with every exhalation, like the mantra of a suicidal with second thoughts.
But hey, I love the girl to death, so what's a sleep deprived guy to do but roll over, wrap an arm around her and try to
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