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Thursday, April 14, 2005

People who look like people VII.

It's been a while, but I've found some celebrity-lookalikes again. Well, I've found quite a few, actually, but you musn't put all your eggs in one basket, right?

Today's clues:
  • Both of the following two people suck - the one blood, the other (alleggedly) Donnie Darko.
  • One of the following two people frequently is the damsel in distress, while the other has damsels in distress for breakfast.
  • Both have a 'r' in their name.

Take your best shot, kids.

Oh, and without giving away the answer to this conniving cunundrum - did I mention that Kirsten Dunst* is gorgeous? No? Well, she is.**


* D'oh!
** Not as gorgeous as my girlfriend, of course. ***
*** Phew, close call.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not gorgeous at all! Not look-alikey either, if you ask me.

Now Mike Myers and Sam Rockwell...

12:58 am  
Blogger Martin said...

She is and they do.

So there.

Mike Myers and Sam Rockwell? Now, if you'd have said Owen Wilson and Dennis Hopper, I'd have agreed with you.


2:59 am  
Blogger Silence said...

I stand by my statement, you need better taste in women.

3:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I stand by Hay.

11:11 am  
Blogger Martin said...

And I stand by .. erm .. me! In other words, I really don't care.

No, really.


12:32 pm  
Blogger Tim said...

Kirstne Dunst is like that episode of Seinfeld. In certain lights she's super hot, then in others she's a train wreck.

3:44 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

True - but 90% of people are a trainwreck in whichever light you put 'em. Kirsten (we're on a first-name-basis) is a step up from that.


1:27 am  

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