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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Paper pleasure.

Best case scenario, book-buying-wise:

You have a birthday, get loads 'n loads of coupons for free books (what do you people call these things?), and an undefined amount of time later you're walking home, carrying a bag filled with books which is so bloody heavy that you have to switch hands every now and again.

Today is a good day.

(I am exaggerating some - it was only three books, but they are 800 pages each. I bought this one, this one 'n this one.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, is it me or are you into Neal Stephenson. Any good?

6:11 pm  
Blogger Lint said...

I call them Book Tokens. Or maybe Book Vouchers. Or Vouchers that you can use in Bookshops.

They are good books, though you're a fool for trying to carry all three of them at once! Or maybe you're just stronger than me.

6:49 pm  
Blogger Martin said... - How'd you guess? And yes, he's good. Cryptonomicon is simply the best book I've ever read. And these are, essentially, prequels.

Lint - Yes, I am. Stronger than you, that is; not regarding the fool-part.


7:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definately called vouchers, tokens are those little things you used to cut off of cardboard cereal packets to send away and get toys :)

Marty, you are a fool to carry all those heavy books home, dont you know thats what girlfriends are for :D

Phil (Surely you know which one by know!)

1:51 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Well, Philip, you let your girlfriend carry your bags, and I let mine do .. well, completely different things.

Each to his own.


3:41 pm  
Blogger nique said...

Gift Certificates?

"Marty" eww what is that? it is Martin!
Marty is a girls name!

i bet i'm stronger than you Martin. i could curl you and your bag of books! hahaha

6:06 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Sebastian - you should know me better than that. Speaking of which, when are we going to see "The Aviator"?

Nique - Thank you for hating that Marty-business; he just does it to peeve me, the bastard. And I guess we'll have to have a fight some time soon then. I'll bring the inflatable pool if you bring the mud.


11:01 pm  
Blogger Ice said...

In his dreams ;)

I guess I'd call them gift vouchers.

12:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always, Ice my Dear :)

Marty, if its to be mud-wrestling, we'd best make it homoerotic naked mud-wrestling, as I cant afford the laundry bill for getting that stuff out of my clothes :D

And yes, I do just do it to annoy him, but he loves it really!


11:18 am  
Blogger Martin said...

My dear, dear Philip - I was talking about mudwresteling with Nique, you madman! I daresay that she looks better in a bikini than you do (if not, we can arrange something).


11:42 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Nope, can't - gotta work. Let's make it wednesday.


9:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly cant say how good I look in a bikini, I'll go try one of Ice's on now for ... 'scientific' purposes of course :D


12:56 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Oh yeah, try the red one - that one always looks great on Ice.

Erm .. or so I've heard. Yeah.


11:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop blogging right now!

7:28 pm  

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