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Sunday, May 14, 2006

No. Nuh uh. Stop it.

What is the deal with the Tom Cruise bashing?

First there was Bush bashing, which I can understand - the man is ever so slowly dismanteling the free world. So, okay, you've got a point there. But what the hell did Tom Cruise ever do to you, except make mediocre films? If that's the criteria, then you should be bashing half of Hollywood, and Will ferrel and Adam Sandler should be running for their lives.

So he's a member of the Scientology Church. Big fucking deal. Admittedly, it's a pretty dubious religion, if it even is that, but what happened to freedom of religion? I mean, in the Islam, women are deemed inferior to men in every single sense of the word, and I dare you to go through the annals of Christianity and find a single century in which the Christian Church didn't commit some atrocity, and you mock and ridicule Cruise because he wanted the birth of his first (real) child to be peaceful?

Come on.

This entire deal is the same as the Mohammed cartoons issue some months ago; it started with something minor which got blown way, way out of proportions, and after a while, 90% of the people rioting in the streets of the cities of the Middle East didn't even know why they were rioting. They just were.

Bashing Tom Cruise is the latest fad to come from Hollywood, and, well, everybody's doing it, right? Jump up on the band wagon and join the cool kids! Yay!

It's pathetic.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Tom Cruise!

2:44 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

I am so in love with you right now.

8:01 pm  
Blogger Paul said...

it's easy to make fun of crazy people.

3:33 am  

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