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Saturday, April 01, 2006

I'm torn.

I'm a sucker for gadgets - mp3 players, mobile phones, handhelds and such. And it is because of this tech-fetish that I now find myself faced with a difficult dilemma.

A conundrum, if you will. Of the complicated kind.

You see, I need a new phone, and in Holland, when you sign a two year contract with a provider, they give you a phone for free. Makes sense, considering you've just signed a contract saying that you'll pay them a certain amount of money, every month, for the next two years. Thing is, if the phone is an older model and therefore slightly less expensive than the latest batch, they give you a free gift, to make up for the cheapness of said phone. Case in point: I bought my current phone two years ago, and the friendly people at the store gave me a Playstation 2 for free.

Now for the dilemma. I've been browsing the web, looking for the best deals, and I've ended up with two options. And I cannot, for the life of me, figure out which one I want. I want 'em both. But I can't.

Here are the two options:
  • Take the stupendously expensive phone, the wildly attractive Sony Ericsson W-800i, which comes packed with a slew of utterly useless but mindnumbingly cool features. Plus, it's orange. Orange!
    Total costs - zilch
  • Or, go for the lesser phone, the astonishingly average Siemens C-75, which is an altogether decent phone, but nothing more than that. But this baby comes with a Sony PSP. Yes, that is the PlayStation Portable.
    Total costs - nada
As you can understand, this issue is slowly but certainly killing me. This issue is occupying my entire (admittedly tiny) mind. This issue will govern my every move and thought from now until the moment I make the gut wrenching decision. This issue is like deciding which of my children I love the most, if I actually had any children.

I'm at a loss. What would you do?



Blogger Pep said...

Oh, no contest. The PSP deal is da winna!!

We seem to have loads of deals here, with iPods or PSP's attached, but they all seem to punt a Motorola V3 with them. We must have received a fire-sale job lot from the EC !!!


11:24 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Yeah, all kinds of deals here, too. The PSP does look alluring, but that Sony Ericsson - hubba hubba!

Oh, and did I mention I'm getting a 4 gig black iPod Nano in the deal, too?

Long story.


12:54 pm  
Blogger Becky said...

Dude, take the PSP. Seriously.

1:53 pm  
Blogger Pep said...

A Black Nano with the Ericsson? Oooh, you never said that!
The Nano is a sweet, sweet machine, and in black it's amazing. I had to sync one up a few weeks back for a buddy and I nearly broke it due to my incessant drooling over it!

I got a K750i in December. Nice phone, good camera too. I believe the O/S has been 'fixed' for the W-800i, whereas the k750's are susceptible to slow-downs and hangs ups.

OK, I'd now go for that iPod! Then again, I'm a nightmare when choosing betwwen deals.


2:11 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

No no no. The iPod Nano is mine, regardless of the choice I make. The dilemma I'm faced with is exactly the one described in the post - expensive phone versus lesser phone with PSP.

So, so far:

PSP 2 - Ericsson 0.


9:56 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

get the choice expensive one...then again I don't play that many video games...

11:53 pm  
Blogger Martin said...


12:27 am  
Blogger P'nut said...

I just use my cell phone to make & receive calls. All the other bells & whistles are unnecessary nonsense. Get the PSP.

1:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd get the Ericsson... only because I have no need for a PSP.

9:11 am  
Blogger Katina Mooneyham said...

As much as I love gaming and such, I have to go with the orange. I love the color orange and have everything orange. So I am biased. I suppose I would be torn though. A PSP! UGH!!!!!

12:30 am  
Blogger Martin said...

You people are not helping!


12:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would take the PSP deal! The Ericsson looks like a sweet phone but the main selling point is the Walkman (now there is a word I have not heard in a long time). Since you will be getting the iPod Nano you are all set for the tunes - go for the games!

12:47 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Neither, as of yet. The jury is still out.


1:08 am  

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