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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Cinema revised.

I recently watched the sequel to the 2003 stinker Underworld, aptly titled Underworld: Evolution. Now, to sum up this film: Plot? No. Acting talent? Nuh uh. Continuity? Not really. Effects? Pretty damn good, actually.

Anyway, the point is, the main attraction of this film is, of course, let's not lie about this, Kate Beckinsale in a latex outfit so unfathomably tight that, should you turn the volume all the way up, you could actually hear her pores suffocate (suffokate - ha!) one by one.

And this got me thinking.

I genuinely believe that films in general, and I do mean every single film ever produced, would be better if the female lead, whatever it may be, would be played by Kate Beckinsale in an unbelievably tight latex outfit.

Can you just imagine how much more fun films like Pride & Prejudice (from corset to latex? Doable; not much difference there), Thelma & Louise (two female leads? Doable; just ask Jean Claude) and Silence of the Lambs (Kate in latex and a nice bottle of Chianti? Doable; in every sense of the word) would be?

You know I'm right.



Blogger P'nut said...

Hey, now. Easy there, turbo. I happen to really like the Underworlds.

I didn't think the acting was bad at all and I really liked the fact that they returned to animatronics (is that what it's called?) and stepped away from CGI wherever they could (granted, there's still a lot of it but, like you said, it's pretty well done).

12:45 am  

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