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Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Interview -- Lies.

As I'm gradually working my way through my favourites list, and after I scrutinously interviewed Snakehead, Hay and Murphyz, I've now knocked on Lies' door, and she happily let me enter.

Lies, in many respects, is like Murphyz (except, you know, she's a chick) - she was one of the first members of the forum Murph and I are also a member of. When I noticed she had a weblog, I simply had to check her out, and she's been a fave of mine ever since.

That said, her blog is rather empty right now, for the simple reason that she's not residing in lovely old Belgium anymore, but in (brace yourself) Iceland, for educational purposes. They're gonna teach her about ice, I assume.

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lies:

  1. Tell something about yourself.
    • I'm astigmatic.
      • Editor's note: Definition here - and no, I don't get it either.

  2. How long have you been blogging?
    • Since the summer of 2003.

  3. Why did you start blogging?
    • For all the wrong reasons. Because I liked the fact that I would be able to go back in time. Because I wanted to try this new means of communicating. Because I wanted some attention. Because I was bored.

  4. How many posts have you written to date?
    • About 500, I think, but your guess is as good as mine. (Please don't make me count them.)

  5. Which posts are you most proud of and why?
    • The ones that don't contain any spelling and/or grammar mistakes. (Posts with no blatant spelling and/or grammar mistakes came in a close second in the poll I conducted.)

  6. Who was the first person to comment on your blog – outside of friends/family?
    • Errrr... Aaaah... Well, that would've been... Frederi(c)k II Barbarossa? (Honestly! I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night.)
      • Editor's note: The king of Germany in the 12th century - yes, I had to look that up.

  7. What would you rather have – less visitors but more comments or many visitors but no comments?
    • Less visitors and more comments. I like comments, but they're trouble when there are too many of them. Threaded and chronological comments are all very nice, but once there are more than ten you're in a war zone, basically. Still... More visitors would creep me out, so keep those comments coming.

  8. Is there something you would like to post about on your blog, but haven't yet?
    • My labia. I've got the best stories about my labia, but I'm a bit self-conscious. They're the kind of stories I usually only tell my siblings and mother on very special occasions. (Christmas and such.) They're very popular, my stories are.
      • Editor's note: You'd like to blog about your labia? Fuck it, I'm contacting you about a guestblog over here at Noodle!

  9. Where do you get your inspiration from for a blog?
    • I don't. I'm not that inspired. It's a stream of consciousness kind of thing.

  10. Do your friends/family read your blog?
    • I make sure they don't know anything about it. Well, I try to make sure. I'm not too good at making sure.

  11. How many blogs are there in your links list?
    • Six, but that's only cause I can't seem to update my RSS feeds. (Damn online journals that don't always work.)

  12. Which blog do you check out first and why?
    • The ones that were updated most recently. Since The Limp Noodle is such a prolific blogger, he's usually first.
      • Lies's note: See, at least I know how to kiss ass. Sorta. Kinda.
        • Editor's note: God bless ya, girl.

  13. Do you always leave comments at blogs you read?
    • Not always, but I try to leave comments as much as possible. At least that way the bloggers in question know who's reading along, so they can take measures if they want to. (e.g. Bomb the shit out of Belgium.)

  14. What do you most like about other blogs?
    • The fact that there are real people behind those words that are sharing more (other?) things with you than some of your acquaintances or sometimes even friends.

  15. What do you most dislike about other blogs?
    • The fact that you get to go inside someone else's head, but not entirely. It's a bit like going to the Uffizi and not being allowed to go into the one room you'd been dying to visit. (I still haven't recovered.)
      • Editor's note: Sheesh, stop it with the difficult words already, bloody show off!

  16. What single thing would you like to improve about your blog?
    • The layout. It's boring. Still, it's functional, so why fix it, if it ain't broken? Also, the content. That too is boring.

  17. In a conversation about your blog, how would you like it described?
    • Justified. As in <p align=justify>

  18. Any last words to our dear readers?
    • "Oh no, not again."
      • Editor's note: A heartfelt kudos to whoever gets that reference.

There you have it - proof that Belgian chicks aren't only about fries, waffles, sprouts and chocolate. They're also about many, many difficult words.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've often told Lies that she's my hero. How I love that girl.

5:23 am  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Wait a second, I thought I'm your fave?

9:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That has got to be more than just 15 minutes of fame, right? 16 at the very least!

1:03 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Talk about those labia and you'll be a star.


2:58 pm  

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