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Friday, July 22, 2005


I just saw Timeline on DVD - you know, the Richard Donner directed, Paul Walker starring film adaptation of Michael Crichton's popular novel of the same name.

And I must say, never ever before have I seen that many temporal paradoxes stuffed into 100 minutes. Kudos for that.

Too bad the rest of the film smelled of bullpoop.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this film at least a bit funny, mainly due to the fact it was unbelivable. It was entertaining though, with Sean Connery deciding to make Greek Fire for random English fellows.

I also applaud it due to the fact it's the only film that's ever made me see a French army in good light. :-)

5:28 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

I doubt if Billy Connolly will be pleased with you calling him Sean Connery.



5:32 pm  

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