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Monday, July 18, 2005

C'mon, baby, light my fire.

I love playing with fire, I do.

Marshmellows on a stick, anyone?

Boys will be boys, right?

Don't ask me why I posted this, I'm a bit giddy, I guess. The weather's good, over here, and I've been listening to some excellent music all day (The Killers - Jennie Was A Friend Of Mine is rocking my socks off!), so I'm in a good mood. Plus, I've been staring at my monitor all day now, so there's a desperate need for some proper procrastination - and what better way than nonsensical blogging?!

Besides, it's my blog, so fuck you. No, really .. fuck .. you.



Blogger Martin said...

Erm, no.

(Oh, and you're mad - that made me laugh out loud!)


4:16 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

I prefer The Killer - Somebody told me, but perhaps there was a deeper meaning in your choise? :-)

4:34 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

I'd just started playing Hot Fuss, so the opener was playing when I wrote that - Mr. Brightside is still my fave.

Not too mention the remix by the Thin White Dukes. You should try that one. But every track is excellent (except Smile Like You Mean It).


4:41 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Martin - you're nuts.

Redphi5h - you're nuts.

On a totally unrelated note, Brandon Flowers is cute!

10:08 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Cute? I don't know. But one hell of a singer. Plus, he wears make-up - I don't think I can cope with make-up wearing men, just yet.


11:42 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Make-up just makes them burn better.

And you are all mad.

3:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disco Inferno!


7:02 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Erm, right!


2:14 pm  

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