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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I've been listening to Rammstein's latest album, entitled Reise Reise, and I honestly believe that this is the only band in the world whose music you can play backwards without hearing any difference.

At all.

Still, kick-ass album, though.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't heard it... I quite like Rammstein though. They're funny.

11:45 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Yeah, exactly. They don't take themselves too seriously - at least I hope they don't.

And they, supposedly, rock live.


12:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go for the pyrotechnics alone. Well, no, I wouldn't, because their gigs are pretty expensive, as far as I know. Still, I'd go if I could get in for free...

12:51 am  

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