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Friday, April 01, 2005

I need to get something off my chest.

You must've noticed that, lately, I've resorted to posting only links and funny videos and such, and nothing really personal. There's a reason for this; it's because I'm having some personal problems. I wasn't sure if should mention this here, but I'm gonna anyway, so here goes.

For quite some time now I've been struggling with my sexuality. There's no other way of putting it than this: I think I might be bisexual, and maybe even homosexual. This has manifested itself in me falling in love (I think) with a man. It's not easy, having these questions arise when you're 25 and living together with a woman you've been with for five years, but I guess situations like this are never easy.

She does know about it, by the way, and has been very supportive; for which I'd like to thank her. I'm just afraid I'll end up hurting her in the end, and this is something I absolutely do not want to do. But I need to sit this out, to go all the way and find out who I really am. She says she understands, but I know this is killing her underneath.

As you can imagine, it completely blew me away, these feelings for a man; but they're there, and I can't deny them. He's not someone I know personally, but I do see him every now and again and I have interacted with him on several occasions, too. Either way, in love with him or not, I won't pursue it, not before I get a crystal-clear picture of what it exactly is that I want.

None of my friends know it yet, though, and some of them read my blog every now and again. I hope they won't freak out over this and still see me as me.

Jesus. I don't need this.

I don't know why I posted this. Maybe I should just delete it.



Blogger Silence said...

It's way to early for these jokes, you almost had me fooled.. Then I noticed the date.

But still it would have suited your bad taste in women.

7:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you funny guy, you

excuse me... who has got a bad taste in women?

9:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is an April Fool's thing, it's not funny.

REALLY not funny.

10:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i was expecting a picture of brad pitt or someone that you've become interested in! ha ha ha~

good show!! i totally forgot it was April Fools Day!

Yayee! Nicely done!

2:23 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Hay spoiled the fun. The bastard!

Brynn - relax, it was a joke. No harm intended.

Nique - :-)


2:26 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Sorry about that Martin, but I had to. I had a completly different answer prepared for you, then I saw the date and thought you bloody bastard. :-)

I hate that I always fall for these things.

3:15 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

You fell for it? Brilliant!

What would the answer have been?


3:21 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Basically just something along the lines good for you, and still keeping the bad taste in women thing.

It's very unfair that it's the first of April, the one day I have to get up early.

3:28 pm  
Blogger Pep said...

You bollox, you!


12:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's still not funny. Homosexuality is not a joke. Things like this are why people use words like faggot and gay synonomously with stupid. It's disrespectful.

12:24 am  
Blogger Martin said...

I didn't say anything disrespectful about homosexuality; not a single thing.

Enough said.


1:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Making a minority's sexuality an April Fool's joke is disrespectful. I don't understand how you could think that is funny. I'm done arguing with you.

6:08 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Uh huh.


12:37 pm  

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