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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My pitch.

No, no, not my bitch - my pitch .. for a movie script. I've only got the opening three or four minutes sofar, but I'll share it anyway. Here goes:


We start out with a shot of planet earth, slowly rotating in the vast blackness of the galaxy. Then the camera speeds up, and gets closer and closer to our beautiful blue planet. Cue the dark and foreboding voiceover (preferably voiceover-guy - you know who I mean):

"In a future not so very distant, on a planet not so far away, a war is waging. This summer .. monsters .. are fighting .. monsters, and mankind's survival .. hangs in the balance. Yada yada yada .. "
The camera keeps closing in on our planet, zooming in and trying to get to the burning battlefields which will be the main location of our 700 million dollar science fiction film directed by both Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson starring every single Hollywood-star active today.

The camera keeps zooming in, as if falling through the clouds towards the earth. A continent becomes discernible (a random continent - as opposed to most Hollywood blockbuster, the battle depicted in this here film is global, and not restricted to North America).

Zooming, zooming, always zooming. The continent becomes a country, the country becomes a city; that city gets more and more detailed as the camera gets closer and closer. Buildings become discernible, as do roads, cars, and eventually, people, going about their every day lives.

But the camera keeps zooming in, getting closer and closer to the ground. Closer and closer to that one person standing there on the pavement, next to the phone booth, looking upwards, towards the sky. We close in on him, zooming in on his face, going further and further.

When his right eye fills the screen entirely the camera shifts upwards slightly, and we see his eyelashes, upclose and personal. But still the camera keeps zooming in, until the eyelashes seem like cables several feet thick.

On we go, and it is at this point, that the battlefield alluded to in the opening seconds of this film is revealed. At the foot of what seems like a mile-wide eyelash, in a follicle that's the size of a waterless ocean, hundreds of hideous monsters are fighting a bloody battle with eachother. It can't be anything but epic. It can't be anything but spectacular. Millions of dollars will be made, Acadamy Awards will be won.


Hang on, this isn't science fiction, this is reality.




Blogger Pep said...

I can hear the music playing right now...

ooooh the ciiiircle of liiiiiiifffeeee!


12:08 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Nah, nude Hollywood stars cost too much - we only have $700 million at our disposal, mind.


7:27 am  

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