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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Douglas Adams is out of this world.

One of my literary hero's, Douglas Adams, the author of the cult-classic The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, has had an asteroid named after him. It seems fitting, really - the spirit of the man whose career revolved around the intergalactic adventures of his hero Arthur Dent will now himself be seeing outskirts of the galaxy no human's eye will ever have the privilige to see.

Take your coat off, Douglas, and make yourself at home - you finally are where you're supposed to be.



Blogger nique said...

rogue, not sure if you know this but ...go ahead, sit down and have a spot of tea. okay? all set?

Here goes...Rogue, you live on the planet Earth.

Go ahead, give yourself a minute, it is a lot to take in.

Okay now then, Earth is your home too, so lets just think for a moment about your comment...

2:19 am  
Blogger Lint said...

Did you see that there's also an asteroid called Arthurdent out there?

It pains me to be picky here, but since asteroids orbit the Sun, it is actually unlikely that asteroid Douglasadams will see things no human ever will. It probably ain't gonna head that far away from us...

9:02 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Rogue: Completely agree!

Nique: Go read it, you heathen.

Lint: Have you any idea just how far away the sun is? And orbiting the sun would also mean going round to the other side of the sun, right? I doubt that human eyes will ever be seeing that bit of the galaxy.

And yes, I knew about Arthurdent, it was named that the day before Douglas died of a heart attack.


10:51 am  
Blogger nique said...

if the book is more than 10 pages, has inordinately small writing and no place for coloring...doubtful I'll read it.

thanks anyway!

I'll just continue to be a smart ass even if i have no idea what i am talking about.

6:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of DNA... Apparently Stephen Fry is playing the book in the upcoming movie. I was skeptical about the movie at first, but now that I've seen Martin Freeman holding his towel, it somehow seems fitting. And Alan Rickman as Marvin and Bill Bailey as the whale... No, it cannae go wrong! (cross my heart and hope to die)

— Lies

6:50 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Lies, I also heard those names you mentioned - the cast is getting better and better. I'm even starting to warm to the idea of Mos Def playing Ford Prefect (well, in the books Ford was never actually described as being 'white', was he?).

I've been gathering all kinds of info on the upcoming movie, so expect an extensive post about it, soon.

Can't wait to see Bill Bailey as the Whale - that must be my favourite scene in the book. Stephen fry sounds excellent as the book, but in my opinion they should've gone with the guy who did him/it in the radioseries.

But I digress ... as I said, expect a post, soon.


7:10 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

The mice, eh? Bloody good question. As for the other unknowns (well, for you, at least), stay tuned, I'll inform all of you very, very soon.


8:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Peter Jones is dead, so I'm pretty pleased with them casting Stephen Fry. He's got a decent voice, nice accent and good pronunciation. But Simon Jones, the original Arthur Dent, does have a small part in the movie, so that must be some comfort, no?

— Lies

9:24 pm  
Blogger nique said...

i just starting a reading frenzy (hit up amazon and bought 5 books already) I will take your advice miss kitty and get it. i love, love, love dry sarcasm! whee!

10:28 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Lies - I didn't realise he was dead. That would make casting him a bit awkward, wouldn't it? And smelly, too.

Nique -because of Pink Kitty's recommendation?! What have I been doing, then? Ah nevermind, go read the bloody thing, already!


12:54 am  
Blogger nique said...

if calling me a heathen and telling me to read a book to which you've only given me the description of ...

"the intergalactic adventures of his hero Arthur Dent will now himself be seeing outskirts of the galaxy no human's eye will ever have the privilege to see." supposed to excite me to the point of wet panties and a trip to the book store then you are sorely mistaken. ; ) a miserable attempt really.

6:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with nique
And you still haven't managed to eat me yet - yah-ha!
I'm sturdy little spider me!

-The spider's mother

7:08 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Ahh, bite me, the both of ya.

No, please, go ahead.


1:02 am  

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