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Monday, September 26, 2005


It's all nice and fun, having one of these gimmicky Ikea dish brushes with a suction cup at the end of the handle. Hell, slamming it against the bottom of your cupboards and having it stick even gives me a giggle or two (I'm easily amused, okay?!).

Having the suction cup give out at 3 AM and the brush dropping onto a heap of dishes, making such a clamour that it wakes me up and scares the living jesus out of me is not repeat not cool.

's All.



Blogger The Snakehead said...

Dude, these are NOT dish brushes. I have the exact same ones from Ikea and I use them to brush toilet.

6:18 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Nice, try, but I'm pretty sure it's a dish brush.


10:46 am  

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