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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Alarm bells are ringing.

I've had it with her, I tell you.

She's so fucking high maintenance. She talks when I don't want her to talk, and when I do want her to talk, she neglects to do so. And then there's the socalled button; she has so many buttons! Buttons I can push, but shouldn't push; buttons I want to push but which she won't let me push; and buttons I'd hate to push, but which require pushing on a daily basis.

Sometimes I just want to smack her against the wall. But I don't, of course not, because I'm so fucking civilised. The best I can do is give her a gentle slap, but that shuts her up for 10 minutes, tops. After that, it's back to hell again, and it starts all over.

She says I don't understand her, that I handle her wrong when she needs proper handling, that I don't know how to operate her, so to speak, when she's screaming in my ear for me to wake up out of my ignorant bliss.

All I want at that point is to shut her up, to smack her upside the head and make the incessant wailing end; and all she wants at that point is to continue screaming at me until I snap out of hibernation and do something with my life. I resent her for that, more than she can ever know.

All she does is make me aware of the amount of time I've spent, I've wasted away. I don't want to be constantly aware of every passing minute of my miserable life, but there she is, again and again and again, pointing out to me in harsh tones that my life doesn't amount to anything unless I get up and do something. Now.

I can't take it anymore.

Ah, fuck it, who am I kidding? This relationship was over before it good and well began.

My alarmclock and I are over. Fucking history!



Blogger The Snakehead said...

My alarm clock loves me. He doesn't scream when I don't want him to.

10:06 pm  

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