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Friday, August 19, 2005

Product placement.

Apple, MSN, Ben & Jerry's, Mack, Puma, Cadillac, Speedo, Calvin Klein, X-Box, Chrysler .. and those are only the ones I noticed!

I am, of course, talking about the ludicrous amount of product placement in Michael Bay's latest outing, The Island, which is, to everyone's amazement, even more devoid of subtlety than his previous efforts. Quite a feat.

But I didn't mind. I could watch Scarlett Johansson for hours, in her lovely and especially tight little Puma track suit. I wouldn't mind being stuck with her, clone or nay. Not one bit.


Ah, you know what, screw the white track suit, I prefer her in a glamorous golden dress. Don't you?


ps: Yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that this entire post is one big excuse to post pictures of Miss Johansson. So, sue me.

pps: On The Island - I might write a review, but then again, I might not.


Blogger enginerd said...

Scarlett Johansson! Well, who would mind that???

btw, you forgot Pepsi Aquafina in that long list of product placements.

1:40 am  
Blogger Martin said...

I don't even know what that is, so that explains its absence from my list.

Let me guess - the bottle Ewan drank from while in the kitchen with his real self? I thought the bottle looked Pepsi-ish.


1:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually thinkg that Scarlett Johansson is utterly gorgeous.

However in all the ads etc I've seen for The Island (I'm boycotting the movie on the grounds that Michael Bay blows goats - call me prejudiced if you like), she looks far more ordinary generic-starlet than usual.

Is Bay actually passing off an inferior clone as the real Scarlett?

2:26 am  
Blogger enginerd said...

If you're talking about this, it is not Aquafina.

Aquafina is the mineral water that the clones drank in their facility.

5:06 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Pearce - Give it a go. It's quite enjoyable, and Scarlett looks stunning.

Nerd - That's the one I was thinking of, yes. So what is it, then?


1:25 pm  
Blogger TheatreChick73 said...

See now for me, the only reason to go see this travesity (so I hear anyway) is Ewan MacGregor. good to know someone else wanted to see it just for the drool factor too.

I don't feel so alone now.

6:54 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Yes, we have the same template.

Spooky indeed.


12:10 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Scarlett huh?

I looked left and right, up and down, above and under, and still can't figure out what's so fascinating about her.

Josh Wald, my Josh, now we're talking.

9:43 am  

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