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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Kill the baby.

I like Joss Stone. I do.

Miss StoneShe looks nice, she sings nice, she looks nice and she looks nice - what's not to like, really? I dig her jazzy music, her mellow sounds, her husky voice.

And she participated in the Live8 concerts, a week ago, which is a good thing. But then again, what celeb didn't?

But if she sings the word 'baby' in any of her songs, ever again, I'm gonna hunt her down, boil her in a big-ass pan of water, and feed her to her unsuspecting parents. Fucking batch.


Consider yourself warned, Joss.



Blogger Martin said...

Haven't even seen those, to be honest (or is the picture I put in the post from the GAP-ad?).


12:02 am  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Martin, the word is bItch with an I.

Now, say it with me.

B-I-T-C-H. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch.

Got it?

6:47 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Read the post below. No, seriously, go, read it.


3:03 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Ahh.. I see. where did you learn that word anyway?

5:35 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

It's not exactly the most difficult of words, is it?


8:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She does GAP ads? OK, I don't like her anymore now. I'm with Bill Hicks: "You do a commercial, you're off the artistic roll call... Unless you're Willie Nelson."

2:09 am  

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