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Friday, July 01, 2005

Explain this to me.

Yesterday I watched this utterly horrid film The Librarian - I reckoned it was quite similar to last year's National Treasure, which wasn't a good film by a long run, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Well, it wasn't.

Anyway, this The Librarian, nothing was right about it; the casting (and thus the acting) was terrible, the direction was awful, the plot was non-existent, the special effects laughable - the entire goddamn thing was a disgrace to every good film that has ever been made. Ever.

It made my teeth hurt.

But explain this to me. I went over to IMDB the other night to check out some of the user comments on this film; I reckoned it would be fun, seeing the film get thrashed by people from all over the world.

There were 43 comments. Not one of them, not one of them negative. What. The. Fuck.

I can think of three explanations; the first:
  1. My taste in films has shifted overnight, resulting in me misjudging this cinematic masterpiece as complete tripe. The second:
  2. The filmcompany which paid money for this celluloid monstrosity paid some more money to get some people to submit positive reviews for this steaming pile of donkeydoo. And the third and most likely:
  3. The entire world has been brainwashed into loving this film by a mad scientist, but I was immune due to the steel plate I have in my head as a result of a stray bombshell in 'Nam.
Apparently, my girlfriend has been to 'Nam, too.



Blogger The Snakehead said...


OK, I can't help it anymore.

That's freakin hilarious!

5:11 am  

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