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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Minty fresh.

I've been stumbling upon quite a few good blogs of late, all through the utterly horrendous NavBar (fuck, even the name is crap!), so this hidious monstrosity that is defacing the blogs of all you mere mortals out there [insert evil laughter here] has some redeeming value yet.

So, I've kicked a few people out of my links section, which you can see on your left right. Sorry, Nique; if you read this, I still love you and want to have your babies. Ish. And sorry, Pants; what we had was hot and steamy (no wonder I've been feeling like a fucking potato), but our time has come. Drop me a line, the both of you, if you ever come back to blogging.

The new kids on the block:

  • First there's the schizofrenic and utterly mad Joey/Pearce.

  • Then there's Snakehead, who, I believe, is talking out of his penis.

  • And finally we have Redphi5h, who writes so damn fast you have to put in a bloody effort to keep up with the commenting.
Go, mingle.

I've got some more bloggy goodness stashed away deep down in my Bookmarks, but I ain't revealing those just yet. I'll be kicking a few more people out of my links section in the (perhaps not so) near future to make room for them.



Blogger The Snakehead said...

Huge penis, Martin. HUGE.

Goddamn! I really gotta go get my day started!

9:59 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

What is huge for you may be unfathomably tiny for me, my friend.


10:03 pm  
Blogger Joeli said...

" What is huge for you may be unfathomably tiny for me, my friend."

Did you just admit you have an unfathomably tiny penis? Does your girlfriend know? Unless...were you lucky enough to date a lesbian?

5:15 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Perspective, perspective, dammit!

Sheesh, barbarians.


7:50 am  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Joeli, you are so right. So so right. C'mon Martin, you can admit it.

10:05 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

That guy can talk out of his penis? That's nothing. I can talk out of my arse :-D

10:41 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

You'd make a lovely couple.


10:47 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Changing the title of a post is not the equivalent of a new post, ya know?

12:06 am  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

And luna, my penis can talk your arse down anytime of the day.

12:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would make for a muffled conversation.

7:48 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Snakehead, only if it doesn't chock on the terrible stench :-D

11:51 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...


3:51 am  
Blogger ambs77 said...

HEY! :-(

No more link to Filan? To Far From Good?

*Sniff, sniff*

Can someone get me a tissue?

5:41 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Your blog had disappeared for a month or two - what's a guy to do?!

I'll still be reading it, if that's any comfort?


6:13 pm  

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