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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Showtime II.

I just got off the phone with Christopher Nolan.

He called because he wanted some advice from me, for his upcoming future-set thriller The Exec. He even offered me the lead role, but I had to decline - superhuge stardom just doesn't appeal to me.

Anyway, while I was congratulating him on the succes of his latest, Batman Begins, and also critiquing its weak points (because hey, they're there and they need to be addressed), he rather rudely interrupted me, and started talking about the fact that my other good friend, Sofia Coppola, gave me the rights to her little masterpiece, Lost In Translation, last year. By doing so she gave me the right to play her movie on my blog, which I naturally did, some six or seven months ago.

You can find it here, if you're interested.

Anyway, he liked the idea (and the free publicity, because my blog attracts billions upon billions of readers a day - but he didn't say that), so he granted me the rights to one of my all-time favourite films, Memento.

So, today I spent most of the day converting it to BlogoVision™ and setting up the projector, so that I can enlighten you with one of the best films of the new millenium.

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you ..

.. Memento.

Well, I know I was glued to my seat yet again!



Blogger Martin said...

Ah, man, don't show me that stuff - especially if it's funnier than my stuff!

I liked it!


11:36 pm  
Blogger The Snakehead said...

Martin, I think you need to take a few days off and stay off the internet for a while. You're developing what is known as "Internet-related-psycho-bitch-syndrome".

The first sign of said syndrome is that you started "talking" to Chris Nolan.

11:54 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Hey, hey, but how else could I have acquired the rights to ..

.. ah fuck it. Just enjoy the show. Or don't.


2:54 am  
Blogger Tim said...

bravo! But I think you showed the movie backwards.

6:03 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Yeah, I know.

Don't tell anyone this, but my readers aren't all that bright.

Remember, mum's the word!


12:30 pm  

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