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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Caption this IV.

Saw this pic while browsing the MegaInformationInterWeb (or MIIW) and I simply could not resist.

Only the balls should bounce
  • "Hey, Beavis... check this out. Uh huh-huh huh-huh huh-huh."
  • Lesser known duties of the Prince of Wales: Picking out the new Spice Girls.
  • "I say, I do believe you're holding out on me. Well, be a good sport 'n try not to do so again. It would be dreadfully unfortunate if I should have to mess you up a bit." ( <-- This is why the Brits suck at pimping).
  • "All right, so I'm no James Bond. And you're no Octopussy. So, get over yourself, princess."
  • "William, Harry... Frankly, I liked you better in the Nazi outfits."
  • In retrospect, letting Elton John arrange the bachelor party was probably a mistake.
Any suggestions? You know where to put 'em.



Blogger nique said...

your wit exceeds that of mine.

i just wanted to say, those are some UGLY BOOBS!

6:20 pm  
Blogger nique said...

dude!! i noticed that when the mouse passes that picture it says, "only the balls should bounce" that is hysterical!

oh yea, those are some UGLY BACKS!

10:38 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Ah, you noticed, eh?


1:14 am  

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