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Wednesday, February 09, 2005


If (and only if) I had to invade a country it would probably be Liechtenstein. I think I could take it, too; it's pretty tiny - only 160 square kilometers. I'd rename it, of course, because Liechtenstein is so damn hard to spell. I'd probably change it into something like Noodletown. Every summer we'd have a Noodletown Hodown. I'll bet they don't have those in Liechtenstein. You'd all be invited.

On a completely unrelated sidenote - some bad news: I had to kill the paper boy. He wasn't actually my paper boy, but a 40 year old ninja who'd been throwing ninja stars at my front door for weeks. It was a tough fight, but I got him with my Death Ray.

's All.



Blogger Martin said...

Finally someone who feels my pain.

And yes, you can be the mascot, but I think you should know that in Noodletown all mascots are required to wear bikinis only. Still wanna be the mascot?


12:02 am  
Blogger Martin said...

NINJAS! What is it these days!

:: LUNA ::

1:57 am  
Blogger babydufus said...

i think the people from liechtenstein will be grateful.. and what exactly would one call someone from lichtenstien?.. a liechtensteinanian? liechtensteiner? .. lichtenwichian...

hmm on second thought..
watchout! big noodle is watching you.
hey.. you're not having fun at the howdown.. and for that offense i banish you to austria.

2:53 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

No fun? At the Noodletown Hodown?!

Tssk, silly man.


3:00 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Sure. If it gets nippy (and it will) you're allowed to wear this.

How's that?


8:09 pm  
Blogger nique said...

Holy shit tits! yowza! (bikini pic) i think she'd still be a tittie bit nipply.

now then, Noodletown Hodown? sooooo funny!!!!

8:32 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Well, it's cute, it's furry, it's all Pink Kitty asked for. And it's my bleedin' country anyway, so I decide what everybody wears.

So there!


8:41 pm  

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