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Monday, October 25, 2004

What is this 'tell' you speak of?

When does a hobby become an addiction?



Blogger nique said...

I love it! This is what I say to my friends who are not in the area...then they say stuff like, "well i still don't know how you are doing and what you've been up to..." I just shrug my shoulders, "Ummm I update my blog that is what I've been up to..."

8:39 pm  
Blogger M.E. INGLORIOUS said...

Hey Martin,

I haven't updtated my own blog in a while, due to being busy, but I haven't lost interest. To make it so I don't have to constantly update, I wanted to setup a group blog of 4 or 5 people, and was wondering if you are interested drop me an e-mail, and I'll send you back some ideas. Hope things are well.

annnd Goodbye.

11:46 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Mail sent.

And don't worry about the updates, mate. I'll just read your old stuff over and over and over again.


11:51 pm  
Blogger Pep said...


10:41 am  
Blogger Martin said...



12:10 pm  
Blogger Arkrim said...

...when you talk more about the hobby than the satisfaction or enjoyment of doing it, its gone too far. I must admit I myself am guilty of exactly that cartoon. I was once asked how my day was and responded with, "I dunno, I wrote it all in my blog." You can pretty much guess that that comment was not taken too kindly to.

6:50 am  

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