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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Narrowing it down.


It's a wonderful concept. The gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. Survival of the fittest; if there is no benefit to be derived, or it has no function, it will gradually disappear, leaving it with an improved version of itself. The ultimate example of this process is you. And you. And you. Yes, even you.

We, the human race, are the pinnacle of thousands upon thousands of years of evolution. Over those centuries, our survival skills have been honed and perfected in ways so slow and indeterminable that we didn't even really notice. Like a wound healing, only much, much slower. And here we are; sentient beings, with, in comparison to all other life on the planet, an insurmountable intellect and, perhaps most inportant of all, consciousness. We are aware.

In the course of those eons we've developed language, culture, art, technology, literature; each and every one of these are aspects of our daily life which greatly influence how we, as an individual, and we, as a species and a society, function.

Evolution is eternal; it was happening yesterday, it is happening today, and it most certainly will happen tomorrow. As you are reading this, evolution is chipping tiny pieces, redundant pieces, off of you, much like a sculptor chips pieces off a lump of marble. As you are reading this, you are ever so slowly becoming more and more perfect.

All of this. Everything around you. Evolution.

However, there is something out there, that is stopping us from intellectually evolving any further. Our brain, and therefore our ingenuity, our acumen, our guile, in short, our intelligence, is being obstructed from growing. We've ground to a halt.

And because of what? Because of who?

Because of women. Yes, women.

Since the beginning of time, our brains have considerably increased in size, and if evolution stays on the track it has been on for millions of years -and there is no discernable reason for it not to- our brains will keep growing. However, a women's birth canal is only so big, and has, as far as we know, not gotten any bigger over the centuries. This can only mean one thing. Right now, the limited size of the women's birth canal is the only thing standing between us as we are right now, and us as a highly civilised, infinitely intelligent race of superhumans.

Women, in short, are the bottleneck of evolution.

Think about it.



Blogger Silence said...

"The human race, are the pinnacle of thousands upon thousands of years of evolution"

Allow me to disagree. :-)

Why doesn't women just evolve bigger birth canals?

8:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you should take a look at this web site. just to look at evolution in a different perspective. Tell me your thoughts afterword.

9:38 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Be very careful about that site. It handles facts in a very non profesional way. Besides that it's extremely bias.

10:01 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Uh... Just read the thing about why the flood was not just local but global. I think that is enogh for me to rest my case. :-)

10:08 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Guys, guys, guys, you do realise this post was written for comedic purposes only, right?


Don't take anything I say seriously. Ever.

And Hay, everything regarding evolutionism/creationism is biased - you either believe the one or the other.


10:14 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Don't worry Martin, I know it was a joke. A bit long to get to the joke part though. :-)
Evolution you can test and it's the only theory that's out there that can. I don't really care about it either way. I just couldn't help myself when was mentioned. But I'm hang out with science geeks, so I'm excused. :-)
Chicken is right though, we will never understand women, I've have tried and failed.

I'll just end with an argument against evolution and for Intelligent Design, breasts.

11:54 pm  
Blogger Becky said...

And here I thought I was limited by man to reach my true potential when I see it's the other way around. It's all so clear now! (Not.)

12:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we have to grow bigger vaginas, you guys have to grow bigger dicks.

2:37 am  
Blogger Silence said...

Trust me Brynn we are trying.

1:42 pm  

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