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Friday, May 13, 2005

False advertising.

I received a funny piece of spam in my inbox the other day. Yes, spam can be funny, at times.

This was it:


A few thoughts entered my mind when I saw that topicline:
  • The Hotmail Spamfilter ain't what it used to be.
  • Hmmm, cheese.
  • I didn't know the highly anticipated new OS by Windows, called Longhorn, had been released yet! Sure, despite still being fairly happy with XP, I'd consider upgrading my computer to Longhorn if it was free!
Imagine my surprise, and disappointment, when I found this when I opened the email. That's false advertising, right there!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Windows operating system supposed to be the first thing I thought of? Because it wasn't

5:28 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought of real windows too... We're spoiling all your fun, aren't we?

10:52 am  
Blogger Martin said...

No no, the Windows OS was supposed to be the third thing you thought of, after the Hotmail Spamfilter and Cheese.


1:19 pm  

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