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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good stuff.

YouTube vid aptly called 'Homer Simpson takes a picture a day for 39 years'. Cute spoof of this kid's project.

Another thing.

I've always been sceptical about Heath Ledger taking on the Joker in The Dark Knight, the sequel to 2005's Batman Begins - I mean, Jack Nicholson is a tough act to follow.


After watching the brand-spanking-new trailer for The Dark Knight (watch it here) I have to admit that Ledger's performance seems spot on. Interestingly enough, Ledger's performance is one of creepy understatement, a polar opposite of Nicholson's manic, OTT performance 18 years ago. Despite having lukewarm feelings towards Batman Begins, I'm really, really looking forward to this.

One more thing.

It would appear that, after years of negotiations, The Hobbit will finally reach the silver screen. Yay! And yes, Peter Jackson will be involved, though it's not quite clear whether the Kiwi will direct.

Sir Ian Holm, please check your messages.

Read the entire press release here. Or rather, don't, because it'll tell you nothing I haven't told you already.



Blogger The Snakehead said...

You're such a dork! You didn't like Batman Begins? That's the only Batman I like.

7:32 am  
Blogger Martin said...

I liked it, just didn't think it was brilliant.

11:48 am  

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