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Friday, June 10, 2005

Regular vs. Undead.

Last night my girlfriend called me a Zombieworm. Yes, a Zombieworm. Don't ask, long story. The point of the story? She loves me, she really does.

Anyway, a Zombieworm. This got me thinking; how does one tell the difference between a run-of-the-mill worm, and an undead, brain eating worm? I don't think there are all that many differences between the two.

* Moves very slowly up to no goal in particular.* Moves very slowly up to no goal in particular.
* Is sticky, gory and kinda disgusting.* Is sticky, gory and kinda disgusting.
* Keeps coming at you, even when cut in half.* Keeps coming at you, even when cut in half.
* Has an innate appetite for human flesh and human brains in particular.
* Not too sure, but I'm sure as hell not trying!

I rest my case.

Now, what was my point again?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My case is that you cannot ever use a ".." or a "!."

But you do have a point, I think.

7:21 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Actually the not zombieworm would actually just die after you rip it in half. And if you are able to get the worm in half what is the problem?

Zombieworm - Tastes like chicken.
Worm - Tastes like chicken.

7:41 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Lies - stop nitpicking, dammit!

Hay - Ever cut a worm in two? It won't die. Tastes like Chicken, eh? Wish I'd though of that.


7:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin - it's all I have in life, dammit!

8:52 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Well, in that case, proceed, if you must.


9:41 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Cut a worm in to it wiggles on by some reflex thing like chickens when you cut of there head. Trust me the thing dies.

12:03 am  
Blogger Martin said...

I've got two readers - one's a nitpicker, the other's a spoilsport. Oh, the fun.


12:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, we should expand our horizons! Next time you nitpick while I ruin his jokes.

12:37 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

And the both of them are conspirators. Lucky me.


1:24 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Great idea Lies, but I guess your end will be a bit more boring the next time then, he usually ruin his own jokes.

4:43 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

At least I have jokes, my friend. At least I have jokes.


11:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do have a point, Hay, but maybe that would make it even more fun?

It'd be a ruining race we'd be in. It'd be sensational!

11:40 pm  

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