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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A little something.

There's a little something on the inside of your monitor. Like, a speck, or something. No, really, right there. It looks gross, get it off.

No, no, right there. A little more to the left.

Here, use this to get rid of it.



Blogger ambs77 said...

Damn you!

I am at work and just clinked that link!!!


5:31 pm  
Blogger Martin said...


No problem, really - when a man looks at something like that, it's gross; when a woman does it, it's sexy.

Expect a raise, soon.


5:38 pm  
Blogger Pep said...

Oh my, 'tis a beautiful thang!


10:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! am reading the da vinci code too!! what do you think so far then?

7:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, the amount of words you've written on this blog are basically two scripties..ish.

7:18 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Sebastian - yes, you have to sign up. Send me a tenner, and you're free to use it as often as you can.

E. de p. - It's an okay book. Not very well written, but fun none the less.


1:08 am  

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