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Friday, October 01, 2004

Santa comes a'knocking.

And when he does, he'd better have this with him!


Gravity is an interactive lamp that reacts to your presence. When you're not in the room, it lays down and goes to sleep. When you enter, it wakes up, stands and turns on to give you light.
I'd love it like a pet.

My thanks to funfurde, off whom I stole the picture.



Blogger cedia said...

Didou had this on his blog also. It's definitely a conversational piece! Do you know the mechanics of how it works?

3:07 am  
Blogger cedia said...

By the way (see how I spelled it out for you instead of using 'btw'?), love your new style on your titles.

3:31 am  
Blogger Martin said...

No, I have no idea how the mechanics of this lamp would work. Do you? I could see if I could find something.

Come to think of it, maybe viagra is involved?

And thank you for the compliment - I put quite some work into the new design, so I'm glad it's appreciated (by someone who's not, you know, me).


12:00 pm  

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