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Sunday, September 19, 2004


The new Navbar has introduced us Bloggers to the delights that is the 'Next'-button. It has this uncanny and inexplicable attraction on me - I can't resist hitting it a few times whenever I log into Blogger. Now, this can have several results.

The Blogs you stumble upon are either:

  • .. written by fourteen year old girls who are professing their love for their boyfriend (who they've been dating for all of four days, probably). That, in itself isn't even that bad - heck, it could even be considered sweet, if it wasn't for the fact that these people WrItE lIkE tHiS, wHiCh Is SoMeThInG tHaT mAkEs My hEaD HuRt. Found the perfect example, here.
  • .. constructed in such a way, HTML-wise, that it makes you dizzy with moving parts, animations, flashy stuff, scrolling texts and a gazillion pop-ups you have to battle your way through, telling you that you're 'welcome', or that the writer of that particular Blog will 'never forget you'. Prime example, sofar, is this one (check out the mouse-cursor), and another example of a Blog which is just mainly very confusing is this one.
  • .. unintelligable, simply because they're written in a language I don't understand, such as this one, and this one. Ne parlez vous Francais, folks, and no hablo espanol, people. Or something like that.
  • .. a political Blog. Now, politics can be (somewhat) interesting, at times, but reading (and writing) Blogs should be fun, people. Remember fun? Ha ha? Go, have some - it's free!
  • .. just downright depressing.
  • .. trying to sell me something. Please, don't.
But, every now and again, you stumble upon a Blog that is a) informative, b) well written, and c) humourous, like Ironpants, Eclectic Emu or The Happy Freaking Ray of Goddamn Sunshine. And it are Blogs like these, and these only, that make the titular 'next'-button worth your while.


ps: I literally just stumbled on this one, and I just had to share it. It's an endorsement of a .. erm .. cosmetic product, which you can use, according to the manufacturers, at all times. Quote:

"Can be used any time of the day for various time intervals during work or time off, depending on your personal schedule."


Blogger rathwel said...

The next button is how I found this blog, I won't even mention how many of the aforementioned blogs I have been tortured with.

10:11 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

I hope my blog is one of the positive ones.

Thanks for reacting.


10:14 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

True. And people who have somehow incorporated music into their blog should be hanged.

Or hung.



3:43 pm  
Blogger Veruca Salt said...

I confess that I didn't find your blog using the next button - I try to save myself time and just randomly choose ones with amusing titles from the "recently updated" - but, alas, you have inspired me to try out the "next" button - hell, it beats working in any case

8:41 pm  
Blogger gal artist said...

I'm addicted to the next button, but you are so right and if I wanted to read about a 14 year old's love life, I would read my daughter's diary. I found a few good blogs in my travels, but those pop ups are down right annoying.

2:55 pm  

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