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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sunday, march 7th.

That is when the Oscar ceremony will take place, so that will be my deadline. I intend to watch all ten films nominated in the Best Motion Picture category, to wit:
  • Avatar;
  • The Blind Side;
  • District 9;
  • An Education;
  • The Hurt Locker;
  • Inglourious Basterds;
  • Precious;
  • A Serious Man;
  • Up;
  • Up In The Air.
Yes, even The Blind Side, despite the fact that, if that wins best film (or best actress), I will spoon my eyes out of their sockets and stomp on them. And yes, even Precious, despite promising myself I'd never ever watch a film with Mariah Carey in it.

Making it slightly easier, though, is the fact that I can cross Up In The Air, Inglourious Basterds, An Education, Avatar and District 9 off that list because I saw them in the last month. I've also already seen Up and The Hurt Locker, but I'll gladly watch both of those again. That leaves five of 'em. Easy peasy.

Plus Moon, because that should've been nominated.


Blogger TheatreChick73 said...

The only reason Blind Side is being nominated is because Sandra Bullock is. It's filler in the new 10 Best Film noms. And you are a braver person than I to go see it.

Precious is magnificent. Yes, even Mariah Carey. Its painful to watch sometimes but in the end its all worth it. Yes, even Mariah Carey :)

Moon should have been nominated, no doubt. And Sam Rockwell should have been nominated as well. But hey, District 9 is up there, which I personally am so excited about, so that's one sci fi nominee! (I don't count Avatar, sorry, I just can't.)

8:04 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

I cannot believe Sandra Bullock is up for Best Actress. The stupidity of that particular decision is beyond me. But then, these are the people who rated Reese Witherspoon as one of the best.

Avatar, however, is rather good. Sure, it's a lot of whizz-bang and very little substance, but as an overall movie-going experience, I rate is as one of the best this year. For that it deserves praise (but certainly not best film).

I liked D9, but didn't love it. Moon, for me, is far superior, as is, as you mentioned, Sam Rockwell's performance. There's one massive snub every year, and Sam's it.

Looking forward to Precious slightly more now, because of you. Cheers.

8:12 pm  
Blogger TheatreChick73 said...

That's my problem with Avatar (full disclosure, I've been a bad sci-fi fan and haven't seen it yet), its all about the experience. So ok, Cameron reinvents the movie experience. But that's not what Best Picture is about. Whiz bang should not count towards best pic. Look what D9 did with a mere FRACTION of the money. That's innovative. And the story was brilliant. It was schlock or predictable. And MOON! MOON! Come on....those two are much better movies than Avatar.

But I will see Avatar eventually. Once the hype machine dies down a little.

And I look forward to your Precious review. I didn't want to see it originally either. But I was so glad I did. Hopefully you feel the same way!


9:24 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Go see Avatar on the biggest fucking screen you can find. Sure, it's not War & Peace, but trust me, you'll have a hell of a time. And in the end, isn't that mainly what films are about, enjoying the hell out of 'em? Isn't the reason for enjoyment secondary to the actual, factual enjoyment?

That said, I do agree. Avatar should not win best picture. But James Cameron winning best director? I could see that happening. (It won't, by the way, but maybe it should.)

I will make sure to let you know what I think of Precious.

Thanks for sticking around and giving your tuppence. It's always nice to know someone is actually listening/reading.

9:38 pm  
Blogger TheatreChick73 said...

No worries! I really enjoy your writing (esp. your short stories) and I always like throwing my opinion around when movies are involved.

If I babble too much, feel free to kick me out :)

10:36 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Not at all. Babble more.

I'll try to write some more short fiction. Ideas aplenty; it's inspiration I lack.

And talent, but that's neither here nor there.

10:40 pm  
Blogger TheatreChick73 said...

Inspiration will rear its head when its damn good and ready. Don't you hate that?

Having talent means you are ready to go when inspiration finally strikes. So yeah, you got talent.

But that's my opinion and that's neither here nor there :)

2:51 pm  

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