In the blink of an eye.
The camera on my phone has a blink-detector: it claims to be able to tell whether or not the subject in the picture blinked at the moment supreme, offering you the chance to take the shot again. How this works and why we, as a species, need this particular bit of technology is beyond me, but it's there, it's available, so whatever.
Anyway, imagine my surprise when, as I was taking a photo of my excessively luxurious Christmas day breakfast earlier today (Twitter tends to make you take pictures of every mundane aspect of your life - don't ask me why), my camera alerted me to the fact that my breakfast blinked at me as I took the snap. I ended up having to disable the feature altogether to be able to take the picture properly.
This could be huge, some unknown lifeform masquerading as cornflakes. It could even be sentient, intelligent, alien.
We'll never know. I ate it.
Anyway, imagine my surprise when, as I was taking a photo of my excessively luxurious Christmas day breakfast earlier today (Twitter tends to make you take pictures of every mundane aspect of your life - don't ask me why), my camera alerted me to the fact that my breakfast blinked at me as I took the snap. I ended up having to disable the feature altogether to be able to take the picture properly.
This could be huge, some unknown lifeform masquerading as cornflakes. It could even be sentient, intelligent, alien.
We'll never know. I ate it.
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