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Sunday, June 28, 2009

A pearl among swines.

The YouTube comments section is usually a place where, within minutes, any reasonable person would lose all hope for humanity, a place of darkness, devoid of wit and intellect, and packing with ignorance, bile, relentless inanity and downright stupidity.

But not always.

Every once in a while you stumble upon something genuinely funny. Point in case, the following, when an innocent bystander politely inquired as to when a particular clip (taken from the British pop quiz Never Mind The Buzzcocks) was originally aired on tv:

Meh. I find this funny; I don't care if you do not. Guess you had to be there.


Blogger Mr. Nauton said...

Not sure when it was funny, with time travel you're never sure, but it was/is/will be funny.

7:58 am  

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