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Saturday, May 28, 2005


While I was flipping through the gazillion pages the InformationMegaSuperHighWeb has to offer, I stumbled (by accident, I might add) upon a filmposter of the 1988 Bette Midler/Barbare Hershey Pukefest Beaches. But when I skimmed over the image, I didn't actually read Beaches - I thought it said something else.

To give you an impression of what thought it said, I saved the picture to my harddisk, worked my PaintShop magic, and voila ...

Original on the left, my version on the right. Click on the images to enlarge (if necessary).

Beaches Not Beaches

Seems appropriate to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suck at image manipulation.

1:01 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Me too, but this was pretty easy.


3:14 am  

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