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Thursday, May 26, 2005


Should I be getting worried about the fact that my girlfriend is downloading pictures of Desperate Housewives' unshaved but hunky James Denton by the hundreds?

That said, she's also downloading quite a few pictures of the always lovely Uma Thurman, so that's a nice prospect. She can have good ol' James, if she gets me Uma.

Uma. Has a nice ring to it.

Uma, Uma, Uma, Uma.




Ps: It troubles me just how fucking difficult it is to find a goodlooking picture of Uma. Uuuuuuma.


Blogger Pep said...

Uma sure is a strange one. She looks hot one day and real skanky the next.

Still, she's famous and has money. That works for me!


12:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to find good looking pictures because she's UGLY!

Her nose is huge. Ewie.

That is all. :)

7:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I have to agree with Brynn. Though there are some films in which I like "little" Uma.

10:27 am  
Blogger Martin said...

You guys are so critical - it's her character that counts, you know!?


10:54 am  
Blogger Silence said...

If it's her charcter that counts, what use are the pictures then?

1:49 pm  
Blogger Silence said...

Say anything about how I spell and I'll hunt you down.

1:50 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

That's because I was lying about her character - I don't care about that, it's her tits I'm interested in.

Oh, and your spelling sucks (I'll be waiting for you).


1:18 am  
Blogger Silence said...

Summer vacation is only a month away. You better start running punk.

2:42 am  

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