posted by Martin at 01:21
LOFL. That's good.
I wonder what the context is - why on Earth is this dog flying?!Cheers
I'd say he was kicked. Either that or it's really a balloon, not a dog.
I find both suggestions highly unlikely, actually.Cheers
I find you a party pooper.
Hey, it's my blog and I'll poop if I want to, poop if I want to, poooooop if I want to ...Cheers
That reminds me of 90210. Damn you to hell for doing that to me!Poop all you want. Pecunia may not olat, but blogs do!
Erm, yeah, what she said!Remember Melrose?Cheers
They're showing reruns of it on VijfTV (or WijfTV, as I like to call it). Come to think of it, MP had Matt and Kimberly and now they're both Desperate Housewives! Ha! That'll teach 'm!
Hey, I like Desperate Housewives, Dammit.Cheers
But did you like Matt and Kimberly?
Don't know, I never watched Melrose.Cheers
You're smarter than I gave you credit for.I bow to you, o master.
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LOFL. That's good.
I wonder what the context is - why on Earth is this dog flying?!
I'd say he was kicked. Either that or it's really a balloon, not a dog.
I find both suggestions highly unlikely, actually.
I find you a party pooper.
Hey, it's my blog and I'll poop if I want to, poop if I want to, poooooop if I want to ...
That reminds me of 90210. Damn you to hell for doing that to me!
Poop all you want. Pecunia may not olat, but blogs do!
Erm, yeah, what she said!
Remember Melrose?
They're showing reruns of it on VijfTV (or WijfTV, as I like to call it). Come to think of it, MP had Matt and Kimberly and now they're both Desperate Housewives! Ha! That'll teach 'm!
Hey, I like Desperate Housewives, Dammit.
But did you like Matt and Kimberly?
Don't know, I never watched Melrose.
You're smarter than I gave you credit for.
I bow to you, o master.
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