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Monday, August 30, 2004

While you were sleeping.

This is quite bizarre.

I mean, the entire village is all discombobulated about this guy, who had the nerve to divorce his lovely and adoring wife while she was sleeping. However, they are not at all distressed about the following:

The 14-year-old from Purana Kasbe in Uttar Pradesh was married to Shahzad last month after a seven-year engagement.

Am I missing something here, or is this another one of those 'culture'-things?



Blogger Martin said...

Good point you got there. You obviously know more about this than I do. All I know is, it's not right to force a child into marriage, whether you're mr. Poe in 1836, or mr. Alad in 2004.

That said, far worse things have happened in the past, and will continue to happen in the future.


1:22 pm  
Blogger Martin said...


I agree with you. I am, of course, looking at this from a western POV, in which things like this are, quite simply, unacceptable.

However, it will always be difficult to comment on something that, in some parts of the world, is embedded so deeply within certain people's beliefs, their way of life. They know no different - it's how they have always lived.

As I said, it's hard to comment on that without running the risk of sounding belittling; sounding like the all-knowing westerner who will teach these savages - the white man's burden.

That said, I am not doing any of that. It just sometimes hits me full in the face, and I have to react to that.

It's a strange world we live in, and it will always remain to be just that.


6:30 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Oh, and Robin - my pleasure. Let me know if you still have trouble.


6:31 pm  
Blogger Martin said...

Hey, cool, a fan!

And don't worry about about the quality of you posts - half the stuff I post on my Blog are just nonsensical ... well ... nonsense, really!

It's good to have a bit of nonsense every now and again, innit?

Come back again, leave a comment here and there - I like the feedback!


2:15 am  

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