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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Ambitious chick.

It's funny, how you're always the busiest when you have absolutely and utterly nothing to do. I've been off from University for what? three weeks now, and I have yet to do all the things I said I'd do when I finally got some time off.

Such as Blogging.

The time is now.

Have I ever told you I love my girlfriend. I might have. Because I do. I run the risk of coming off as an sentimental prick, but I don't care. I love her, and I'm proud of her. She had to do all these exams recently, to gain access to University, and she aced them all. Bang, bang, bang, one after another. Smart chick, she is!

Not smarter than me, of course, being, you know, a genius.

I am!

She wants to study Psychology. I'm not too sure I'm all that happy with it - she might stumble upon my Dark Side™, and then I'll have to get my big black suit drycleaned, and I'll have to smoke 12 packs a day to get my voice all heavy and gritty again, and I'll have to conquer the entire bloody Universe again, and I'll have to tell my arch-nemesis that he's my son. Again! And I just don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment. I mean, a kid! I'm 24, for cryin' out loud! I can't even keep my fish alive!

You know?



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